Start Learning

The flow of this site is in a tree direction. Happy Learning :)

Welcome to hLearn, the wiki for HnCC. This is a community driven platform for newbies, programmers, hackers, novices in their field. You will find a curated list of resources to start getting your hands dirty in any type of skill from design to development.

You will also find tutorials, guides, hacking DIYs and pretty much everything that you might need to initiate yourself in this field.

If you are interested, you can read our journey of starting this site here .

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If you want us or yourself to add any new page here or you can create a Pull Request/ Issue here or mail/contact contact(at) or, Suraj.

Other content such as case studies, and community updates should live in the About and Community pages.

Programming 101

For absolute beginners in the programming field. Fundamentals and the mindset.


Various fields like Web, App, Game Development

Mobile App Development

Are you a begineer? Not sure where to start? Here is a helpful documentation for you

Competitive Programming

Want to start competitive programming, but don’t know from where to start? Don’t worry, we have something for you.

Getting started with Open Source Development

Love using Linux and Open Source Softwares? Want to contribute to Open Source? Want to try for programs like Google Summer of Code(GSoC)

Linux Installations

Feel the power of Linux and various distros!

Graphics Design and Development

Interested in 2D/3D design?

Contribution Guidelines

How to contribute to the docs

Last modified September 21, 2020: Readme Update (b057efc)